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Skilled surgeon, brilliant results

I had the Concept Face and Neck Lift 12 weeks ago now and I am beyond happy with my results. I can honestly say it has changed my life! The staff are really friendly and informative and Amir truly is an amazing surgeon!

The surgery itself took just under 3hours and I was awake throughout all of it.

The local anaesthetic injections hurt slightly but that was the only pain I felt.

I had Amir and Nurse Joy in the theatre and they are a brilliant team. It felt a bit weird as I could feel tugging but as I said above, it wasn’t painful. They took quite a bit of skin and excess muscle away so I immediately felt tighter afterwards!

The recovery wasn’t too bad. I’d say the swelling lasted a week but I still went out and went back to work after my one week check up. The team were great and any concern I had they would put my mind at ease. I sometimes feel a bit itchy around my ear but I’ve been told this will be my nerve endings reconnecting. I have another check up in May so I’ll post more pictures.

The swelling has completely gone and my look is natural but 100x better than what it was! Best money I have ever spent!

It took me 3years to decide to do it and I am so glad I did it! Very very skilled surgeon!

My pictures so far are before, straight after and a couple days after.

I’ll add some more soon!

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