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Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow!

It’s inevitable that most men have to go through the stage in life where they experience hair loss. This is often due to aging, hormone changes or genetics. Thinning of the hair is caused by many factors including medical conditions or medication. When most men begin to reach this point in their life, they start to consider different routes they can take to delay the outcome or treatments to reverse the effects. It is not a sign of old age when men lose their hair in their 20s and 30s, and it also is not uncommon. Although you may feel like you are balding way before your friends, this is nothing to be embarrassed about and you are certainly now alone! In fact, many guys will proudly shave their head completely bald. If this, however, is not the look you are after you do have other options which do not include the shaved look.

Considering a hair transplant to combat hair loss?

When considering what to do, most men think about getting hair transplant surgery. Here at Bella Vou we use the FUE procedure (Follicular Unit Extraction also known as minimal scar technique or Follicular until Transplantation “FUT”). This is a surgical operation, performed under local anaesthetic, which involves removing healthy hair follicles directly from a donor area on the scalp (usually at the back of the head where the hair is plentiful) and grafting them onto the bald or thinning areas This means that the patient must have hair either on the side or the back of the head in order to qualify for this procedure.

Patients should be aware that the results are not immediate. It may take up to 3 months (sometimes longer) before you notice any hair growth. The hair follicles need to have time to settle in and begin to grow in that area. Many people report seeing hair growth within 6 – 9 months after surgery.

So who makes a perfect transplant candidate?

Firstly, the patient must have enough hair on the back or side of the head to be able to graft from. Thickness and hair colour are also aspects to take into account. Age is also an important factor, if the patient is too young then the doctor may advise that hair transplant surgery is not suitable at this very moment. Under the age of 30 the surgery may not be the cure for hair loss. If you are unsure as to whether or not you are a suitable candidate then the team at Bella Vou strongly suggest coming in for a consultation with Mr Amir Nakhdjevani.

What can you expect after a hair transplant?

Following surgery you may notice a crust or scab forming over each graft, this is completely normal. After 7 to 14 days, when the area heals the scab will fall off, leaving a pink mark at the sight of the graft. Some of the hair in the grafts may fall off with the scabs and some will take a little longer leaving the root still embedded. For a while there will be a shortage of hair on the graft until the new hair begins to grow.

Around 8 to 12 weeks after the procedure, new, healthy hair will become visible on the scalp. It will grow at the same rate as it did in the original location which is about ½ inch every month.

Occasionally swelling of the forehead may occur if a large area has been transplanted. This generally starts a couple days after surgery, and is more noticeable after the first session (you may be undergoing several sessions to get the desired look you are after). This is nothing to worry about and the swelling should subside within two to four days. It may cause puffiness around the eyes but this is quite rare. However, if you do have any concerns our post surgery care line is open 24/7. The scalp has a very good blood supply and during the procedure bleeding is expected but Mr Amir Nakhdjevani will be able to control this by applying pressure. The donor area is stitched to minimise bleeding and to produce a neater scar. The stitches are then removed after seven to ten days.

You may experience a decrease in sensitivity of the scalp after your hair transplant surgery. This is because nerves have been cut at the donor site and the recipient area has been prepared. After 3 to 18 months the nerves will correct and regenerate themselves. In rare cases, the decrease in sensitivity may be permanent in some areas.

What are the benefits?

  • Improved appearance
  • Greater self confidence
  • Permanent solution to hair loss
  • Fast results
  • Great natural look

Overall the results are fantastic! Hair transplant is a permanent solution and the transplanted hair will continue to grow for the rest of your life.
If you are interested in learning more about this procedure and what we can do for you, call the team at Bella Vou to book a consultation on 01892 257 357 or visit our website

Medically reviewed by

Amir Nakhdjevan Profile

Amir Nakhdjevani

Last Updated: July 28, 2016

Published On: July 28, 2016

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