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How effective are TCA Chemical Peels in turning back the hands of time?

When Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner Sue Mitchell joined the Bella Vou team earlier this year she brought with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in Aesthetic medicine including the TCA Chemical Peel.

Sue Mitchell

Sue Mitchell

Sue’s expert understanding and evaluation of an individual’s skin needs means she helps you achieve optimal results in the appearance of youthful and more radiant glow. We answer your questions about the TCA Chemical Peel and how it can also be used to compliment the Concept™ Facelift procedure.

What are TCA Chemical Peels?

TCA is a non-toxic chemical (trichloracetic acid) and has been used to perform skin peels for over 20 years. It is in the vinegar family (acetic acid.) When applied to the skin, the chemical reaction encourages the top layers of the skin cells to dry up and peel off over a period of several days to one week. When the old skin has sloughed off, it then exposes a new layer of undamaged and baby soft skin, which has a smoother texture and more even colour.

How strong is a TCA Chemical Peel?

A TCA Chemical peel is a light-to-medium strength peel. There are different types of chemical peels which vary according to their specific ingredients and strength. The depth of the peel can be determined by a number of different factors including how long the peel is left on the skin and whether it is applied lightly or rubbed more vigorously onto the skin.

What skin concerns can TCA Chemical Peels be used to treat?

TCA Chemical peels are most commonly used to treat various skin conditions as well as to help improve the signs of ageing:

  • to reduce brown spots and age spots
  • to improve the texture of sun damaged skin
  • to improve the appearance of melasma
  • to treat some types of acne
  • to reduce the appearance of fine lines
  • vertical wrinkles around your mouth
  • certain precancerous skin growths
  • acne or chicken pox scars
  • “crow’s feet” lines around your eyes
  • fine wrinkling of your upper eyelids

How many treatments will I need?

The amount of treatment a client requires is dependant on the skin condition they wish to address. A course of peels over a period of time may be required to achieve optimum results. A rigorous assessment will be completed prior to treatment and a package will be designed to address your specific skin needs.

What is the recovery period after a TCA Chemical Peel?

The recovery period after a TCA Chemical Peel can vary dependant on your skin type and how well your body heals, but we usually say recovery time of 1-3 weeks may be needed before all the dead skin cells have completely peeled off. After a skin TCA Chemical Peel your skin will appear very bit and a bit like you have a bad sunburn. The pinkness will fade within a few days. During the recovery your skin will be extremely delicate and you will need to shield it from the sun. Once your skin is heal you will be advised to wear a sunshield to protect your skin from damage at all times.

Can a TCA Chemical Peel be used to compliment a Concept Facelift?

Yes, although a facelift will tighten skin it will not address all the fine lines over the facial area and TCA Chemical peels can complement the freshening of the skin and help with the skin appearing more youthful. In the below video Head Surgeon Amir Nakhdjevani discusses how chemical peels can compliment the Concept™ Facelift procedure.



How can I hide my skin after a TCA Chemical Peel treatment?

For the first 2-3 days after a peel you will need to follow the aftercare instructions given to you by Sue. You can also talk with her about our new Lycogel Foundation that can not only be used to cover up your skin without the risk of causing possible complications, but its unique formula actively helps protect and heal the skin too. Lycogel’s Designer Gel Base has been specially made so that it delivers each and every one of the LYCO-Complex’s 12 active ingredients to the skin to achieve maximum benefits. It’s also water resistant, providing a long lasting wear and an added protective barrier for your healing skin.

Medically reviewed by

Amir Nakhdjevan Profile

Amir Nakhdjevani

Last Updated: August 30, 2017

Published On: August 30, 2017

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